Online Edition of “Expert Consultation on Visual Media Literacy in Education” Event – March 28, 2024
In a move towards inclusivity, and following the “Experts Consultation on Visual Media Literacy in Education” onsite event that will be held in Brussels on March 21st, the CLIP project will host an online event on March 28th.
When: March 28, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
- To present the key results developed by the CLIP consortium, namely the report on Visual Media Literacy in Europe and the micro-learning course in critical visual media literacy and fluency.
- To discuss and enrich the Guidelines and Recommendations elaborated to support academic staff and educators in developing sustainable strategies to embed visual media literacy in their learning offers.
- To engage with like-minded professionals on the topics of Visual Media Literacy, teaching programs, and training.
Target Audience: The event will be of interest to academic staff interested in Visual Media Literacy, experts, policy-makers and stakeholders from Higher Education, schools, NGOs, academic networks, and anyone interested in exploring the opportunities Visual Media Literacy can offer
How to attend:
Registration is open until the day of the event at
Language: The event will be held in English.

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