Micro-learning course in critical visual media literacy and fluency
The Micro-learning course in critical visual media literacy and fluency is a 50-hours online course in English, Greece and Italian which will be piloted with 150 participants in October 2023.
The course aims at providing participants with a deep understanding of the significance of images in present societies. Through a series of four modules, learners will develop the ability to detect images and recognize stereotypes in visual artefacts. They will also learn to navigate the visual landscape, discerning the credibility of the pictures they come across in their daily lives. By cultivating these essential competencies in contemporary society, participants will be better equipped to approach the constant stream of images they encounter in all aspects of their lives with a more critical and informed mindset. This applies to various contexts, from educational to leisure activities, as well as in the search for reliable visual information.
From 23 October to 24 November 2023
Key Features
- Length: 5 weeks/ 4 modules
- Workload: 50 hours in total
- Level: Introductory
- Language: English
- Course Type: Self-paced
- Delivery method: Asynchronous (online on Moodle)
- Prerequisites: None
Target audience
Higher Education students of communication, journalism, and social science, as well as other faculties, and everybody with an interest in developing their visual media literacy competences.
The course is free of charge, and it is open to 150 participants. Registration is on a “first-come-first-served” basis. Please make sure to express your interest in participating in the course, as registrations will be closed once the maximum number of participants has been reached.
More information on how to register is available here

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This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This website reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.