CLIP – Critical visual media literacy and empowerment aims to strengthen critical visual literacy and fluency in higher education, thus increasing resilience to manipulation and polarisation.
The project will address the fair and resilient digital transformation, tracking disinformation and bias in visual communication, working on critical visual literacy, that is a fundamental component of the way European students and citizens are getting informed in the digital era, through the increased use of the Internet and social media.
Specific objectives
- Raise awareness of the role played by higher education in Europe to enable the fair and resilient digital transformation, tracking disinformation and bias in visual communication through education and training
- Increase the digital fluency and critical consciousness about visual media of European students and faculties, both within communication study communities and transversely across subjects, nourishing misinformation-resilient behaviours and providing them with the practical skills to detect image bias as well as stereotypes in visual artefacts
- Enable academic staff, senior management and communication staff at the universities to develop sustainable strategies for integrating visual media literacy at all levels of course offering.
Expected Results
The project will produce three main results:
- Report on Visual Media Literacy in Europe
- Micro-learning course in critical visual media literacy and fluency
- The scalability and transferability toolkit containing operational guidelines and recommendations for the implementation of a learning offer on visual media literacy in HE.
The project is implemented by a consortium composed of UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union (coordinator), IULM University, Hellenic Open University, ALL DIGITAL.
The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and spans over 18 months (October 2022 – March 2024).

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This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This website reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.