Introducing CLIP, Critical visual media literacy and empowerment
In the digital age, the power of visual communication is undeniable. From shaping our perception of reality to influencing our opinions and beliefs, visual media plays a significant role in our daily lives. However, with the rapid growth of visual media comes the need for a more informed and conscious society, capable of critically analyzing and understanding the images and videos they encounter.
CLIP – Critical visual media literacy and empowerment is a new project aiming to strengthen critical visual literacy and fluency in higher education. Funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, this 18-month project is implemented by a consortium composed of UNIMED, IULM University, Hellenic Open University, and ALL DIGITAL.
Visual literacy is a crucial component of media literacy and is defined as the ability to understand and analyze visual messages, such as images and videos. By fostering visual literacy skills in students, CLIP aims to bridge the media literacy gap and empower students and citizens with the tools they need to thrive in the digital age.
Join us in our mission to promote media visual literacy and education in Europe. Follow CLIP’s journey and stay tuned for updates on their progress via the project’s social networks LinkedIn and Twitter.
Read more from our Partners:
- “CLIP: Critical visual media Literacy and emPowerment” EU project, implemented by DAISSy-HOU as the Greek partner, is published on the “Erasmus+ Project Results” Platform
- CLIP. Critical visual media Literacy and empowerment
- How to interpret the visual language of the media
- The ”CLIP” project has just started
- CLIP Project: The importance of Visual Media Literacy and how it can be taught

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This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This website reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.