The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU participated in the annual Conference of the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities entitled “I·HE2023: Innovating Higher Education”
The “European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU)” aims at innovation in the field of education and in particular in the field of Higher Education in Europe. In this context, every year it co-organizes, with one of its members in a different country, a Conference which focuses on issues concerning new trends and factors affecting global and European Higher Education.
More than 25 countries participate in the works of each Conference every year, while last year, for the first time, the Conference took place in Greece, in co-organization with the Hellenic Open University (HOU). In 2023, the Conference was held in Istanbul from 04 to 06 October with the theme “Accelerating towards a digital and inclusive campus: Empowering Learners: Microcredentials, Generative AI, and Equity”.
The DAISSy Research Group of HOU, the Greek project partner of the European co-funded project “Critical visual media Literacy and empowerment (CLIP)”, actively participated in the Conference. Specifically in the framework of the CLIP project, the DAISSy-HOU team delivered a presentation on “Critical visual literacy in Higher Education: addressing bias and manipulation in the digital era”. The presentation took place by Ms Eleni Georgakakou, Senior Project Manager of the HOU, under the Scientific overview of HOU Prof. Achilles Kameas, Director of the DAISSy, and it has been followed by more than 20-30 on site participants.

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